Hello I need help about the taxonomy

I have created the taxonomy reporters in the plact of category and I want to show tha t, you can check the video

Hello @jcduewekeperez,

Thanks for writing in!

I am confused with the way you have added those reporters. Anyways, I am seeing the first issue.
1.) Your taxonomy name is Reporter and it has the reporter taxonomy slug

This will have a slug conflict with the “Reporter” page having the same page reporter slug. It needs to be changed to reporters instead to avoid the slug conflict.

2.) To be able to display those “Reporter” taxonomies, you will have to use Looper Provider All Terms and choose Reporters

3.) I have created a test page demo for you.

  • See the link in the secure note

4.) Each of those reporters will be displayed on the Reporter taxonomy archive page. You can do this by creating an Archive layout and assigning it to the Reporter’s taxonomy. This will become complicated because your Taxonomy will be referring to the Category again.

Based on what I have seen on your setup, it will become difficult to display some of the details for your reporters. If I am going to do something like that, I would do the following:
1.) Create a new Reporter post type. This will separate the Reporter post type from the Post items. By doing this, you can simply create a custom Single layout for the Reporter items and then another custom Single layout specifically for the post items.

2.) Add all the fields for my Reporter using ACF fields.

3.) I will create an ACF field to be assigned to the Post that is a Relationship type to connect a post item to a particular reporter. You may also create another field for the Reporter so that when you are viewing a specific Reporter, you can easily list down all the post items that were assigned or written by that reporter.

4.) I can simply create a custom Archive layout to display all the Reporters.

With your current setup, it will for some time but later on as you go into creating other layouts or display other data, it will become harder because you have set up the reporters as a taxonomy. You will have more control if you create them as a custom post type.

I am just curious if you have a sample site or an older site that is your reference in creating this staging site. Maybe I can check it out.

Best Regards.

Thank you very much for your help
Would you mind find this https://www.loom.com/share/c976510969504ade91ec1cd36ccb0254
I have the other issues , please check the video and let me know

Hello @jcduewekeperez,

Yes, that is possible. You will have to use the Looper Provider Current Terms to display the reporter of the current post. You can reference the Reporter information by using the Term ID. Please create your single Post layout first so we can create a demo on how to display the Reporter.

Best Regards.

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