Headline text is different


Im designing a new site using a pre-built theme, im also pulling in elements from the themeco “sections” library.

I have my fonts setup in the main cornerstone, but I keep getting different header fonts in my site. Can you please explain why I can’t have fonts change to the themes main fonts? What is going wrong here?

Example 1:

As you can see these headline fonts do not match. Why?

Only one image per post? WTF? Ugh…

Here is the other image to compare too. Please fix your forum so we can post more than one image.

Hello @tpi,

Thank you for the inquiry.

It’s possible that the headline in the template you’re using has a preset font that differs from the font used sitewide. You may need to edit the headline and then save the element as a template again, so you don’t have to redo it every time the template is added to the page.

Let us know if you need more info.

Best regards,