Header modifiation

It has been a while since I have had to make header modifications but if memory servers, I took a file from themes > X > framework > views > … put it into the child theme and I was good to go. However, I can not find those files. Can someone tell me where I can find the file to add some text to the header above the navigation (x-logobar).

Many thanks,

Hi there,

The method is correct but in new versions of the theme, the place of header files are different.

TO access the view files please copy the desired file from this folder to your child theme:


So you will have such a folder in your child theme:


Hope it helps.

Well, I upload the file to my child theme and nothing happens. I tried it on the X version and I can see the changes but when I move the file to the exact directory path under the x-child I get no change at all.

Found the issue, it is working just fine now. Thank you Chris.

Glad to hear that. :slight_smile: