Header logo broken when using Offload S3

I’ve seen a couple of threads about this in the support forum, but nothing is addressing the main issue which is the most recent update to the theme BROKE this. Going in and using a search/replace plugin to change the URL manually is unacceptable…and would have to be done ANYTIME we wanted to update the header logo.

I’ve reached out to the author of the Offload S3 plugin, and explained the issue in this support thread: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/rewrite-broke-on-logo-image-for-x-theme-on-latest-update/#post-11307395

You can see their reply as to what X Theme must now be doing that is different to mess things up. Can we please have an answer from the developers as to when they will fix this in the code? It has affected quite a few of my client websites.

Hi There @geekgoddess

Thanks for writing in! I think you’re coming from the other thread (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/404-when-offloading-media-to-s3/53970) as we have asked to open a new thread.

We have already reported the issue to our developers but we will require more information to investigate the issue. Please provide us the following information as mentioned on the other thread (https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/404-when-offloading-media-to-s3/53970/15?u=mldarshana).

Make sure to use the secure note option below your posts, when submitting those sensitive data.


I can’t give you FTP, but I can set up another site you can test with where I can give you admin access.

I’ve added the access info as a secure note.

Hi again,

I checked your setup deeply. It seems to be happening with the header logo only, rest of the images are working fine using Offload Media, I made it work by disabling Rewrite Media URLs and Remove Files From Server options of the plugin and then uploaded the header logo and turned on those options again.

We’ve already added this to our issue tracker, you can use this work around until the fix is released.

Hope this helps!

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So funny! I was doing a test on that site and suddenly the logo appeared. I then saw someone had uploaded the logo again and that for some reason the plugin hadn’t deleted it from the server…then I checked the settings and saw they were as I’d left them so I got really confused and thought whoever did it might have changed the settings then set them back…exactly what you did. :slight_smile:

Well, I guess that’s a temporary work-around. But of course the point is I don’t want all the files left on the server because I have clients with storage limits on their hosts. I appreciate the fact you have confirmed it’s an issue so your devs will look into it and see what is going on. Please take a look at the support thread on WordPress.org I started with the plugin author also. It might give some insight to the devs to see what the plugin is trying to do.

Thank you again - I’ll keep checking the issue tracker.

You’re most welcome and stay tuned :slight_smile:

Where can I find the latest issues?

Hi @geekgoddess,

Sorry, our issue tracker is private and is only accessible to our staff.

You can monitor our changelog to check if an update has been released and if the fix has been implemented.



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