Header Builder - Mobile - One page nav issue

Something weird is going on. I found the code you mentioned and updated it, but the error is still there. To clear the cache, I disabled plugins, and changed the theme. However, when I change it back, and open up cornerstone - edit js - the code reappears, what can be the cause?

Hi again,

This is usually the cache issue, please check if your server is caching your site. Please try following this thread as you’re also having a similar issue https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/cannot-delete-custom-css-code-on-a-single-page/20772/8

Let us know how this goes!

Hi there, I tried on numerous computers and did so with incognito mode, and any changes I make with the JS are not reflected. Is this code accessible in CPANEL somewhere? Or how is it stored?

  • Hi there, so as a workaround, I recreated the page. the JS code wasnt copied through templates so YAY!
    However, the mobile menu still does not scroll where it needs to when I click on #restaurants. Ideas?

  • Okay, so the problem persists though. I recreated the page, but now I can’t add anything to cornerstone page css. After I save and refresh, it is gone. Any ideas?

Also, weirdly enough. I thought of using the style.css in the theme folder, so I added .floatright {float:right;}

It also did not register.

Hi @Pbalazs89,

I am not sure why this is happening, most of the time the problem is cache as we do not have such a problem that added JS code not reflected.

Please contact your hosting service provider and ask them to clear cache if they have such a method implemented.

Meanwhile, I do need to ask you to wait for the new release for the original question that you had. The new version is on the final steps of the beta testing and I hope it will be available next week on a manual download.

Thank you for your patience.

This is great, but I’ve found if you have a link to another page within your menu, it doesn’t load? Any ideas?

I’m having this issue with the mobile version on this page when ever you click on “Registry Style Marriages”

Hi @BenRyan.me,

It’s the main purpose of one-page navigation, it’s only restricted to the same page it links to. But again, the above code should have no effect on other menu items so they should link okay (which I confirmed working).

Perhaps the upcoming version has a different way of handling this linking.


When I enter responsive design mode in Safari, the link works. As soon as I test it on an actual mobile, nothing.

Hi there,

That issue should be fixed by this line $('#menu-item-1442 a').off('touchend touchstart');, since iOS behaves different with touch events. Try increasing the delay value 750 to 1500, or greater. The 1000 is equal to 1 second.



So, does this topic already solve the problem for mobile and one page issue?

Or still struggling something?

I have found the alternative way to nearly achieve such issue as below.

I would like to hear your idea about it.

Put Navigation Collapsed menu and set with the custom menu.

When making the custom menu, usually set the link like,

(href=) “/permalink” or href=“https://xxxx.com/permalink” in the WP menu setting.

Then for in-page navigation case, it goes with “#”+ anchor text

(href=) “/#anchor-text” or href=“https://xxxx.com/permalink#ancho-rtext

I changed them to

(href=) “/#anchor-text/” or href=“https://xxxx.com/permalink#ancho-rtext/

I include “/” back-slash at the end of the anchor text.

This causes Syntax error but WORDPRESS leads the right position on the right page and X-off menu or contents close automatically in FIREFOX but not for in ipad.(safari)

I have checked on PC and android devices.

and If I go that page without #anchor-text, off-canvas close automatically.

This means “#” causes error so that Canvas remains open.

Side menu is very nice function and look forward to update.




Your onepage menu should only have anchor text as link.


href= "#anchor-text"

You will then need to add the code below in Theme Options > JS to make the canvas close.

jQuery ( document ).ready ( function($) {
 $('a[href^="#"]').on('click touchstart',function(e) {
setTimeout ( function() {
}, 750 );
} );
} );

Hope that helps

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