Header Bug

Hi there, our site is on the dev environment and caching is turned off. We deleted all the headers and for some reasons, the headers are still editable although we deleted them all.

Please see the attachment screenshot

Hello @sbxstrategies,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your site, and it seems that there might be an issue with the CDN cache I would suggest you please purge all the server cache and then recheck it or you can contact the hosting provider to purge all the CDN cache.

Hope it helps

Hi there, we cleared several times on wpengine and even asked wpengine support to help clear server cache as well. But it did not work. According to wpengine that dev environment does not have cache enabled and in even in the admin dashboard as well.

Hello @sbxstrategies,

You have created custom headers. You no longer assigned these custom headers as shown here:

Even if you have deleted or unassigned the headers, if you have assigned it directly on a page, it will still display and can be editable.

Edit each of your pages and make sure to change the header assignment to “Default”.

Hope this makes sense.