Having different number of looper items and blog items per page

I have one section of my site with a looper that I’d like to pull basically all of my posts. From my understanding, loopers pull from the core WordPress setting at Settings > Reading > Blog pages show at most…

Normally, I would just set that to a high enough number to cover all of my posts. However, I also have blog archive pages that I want to paginate at 10 pages. If I set that WordPress setting to n, then I’ll have way too many per page. If I set that WordPress setting to n and then set the looper consumer on the archive layouts to 10, then I’ll only get 10 posts loaded total (i.e., no pagination).

Is there a way to either a) set loopers to consume more than the setting at WordPress > Reading > Blog pages…; or b) “uncouple” those settings and set them independently?

Hi Andy,

Thanks for reaching out.
The Loopers works with the Default WordPress query and the numbers can be set from Settings which you did. Now what you are expecting is to show only 10 posts with the pagination in the Archive Layouts. Maybe you can show the 10 posts using the Looper Provider within the layout, but currently the pagination elements work with few predefined layouts and use the WordPress default query only.

Unfortunately, there is no option to use both the options or can decoupled the settings right now.

Hope it helps.

OK, thanks for clarifying. What if I used a custom query string in my looper instead of the query builder? Would that be able to go past what is set in settings, or is that also controlled by WordPress’ settings?

Hello Andy,

You can set the query string where you can set the post count but when you use the query string on the archive page the pagination element will not work. Please note that you don’t need an extra loop on the archive page since the default WordPress loop works. To get the pagination element to work you need to set the Looper provider as OFF and use only Looper consumer.

Hope it helps

I was meaning to use the looper on my non-archive page. I’d like to leave the WordPress setting to 10 posts/page; build a post archive page as normal (no looper provider, pagination works as expected, etc); and then have a different page pull in more than 10 posts with a looper provider using a query string. Is that possible?

Hello Andy,

In case you want to display the posts on separate pages you can set the Looper provider as Query Builder and set the post count there, you can also use Looper provider as Query String and set the post count there as well.

For Query String, you can use this for the post count posts_per_page=20
For Query Builder, you can set the post count here.

Hope it helps

Well, dang. I can’t believe I missed that option, but it’s exactly what I was looking for. Thank you!

You are most welcome, Andy.

Just a precaution, when using a Looper Provider in an archive layout, the Pagination may not work.