Google Maps shows For development purposes only

Hi X team,

Since a while my site shows on the Google Map the following:

For development purposes only (map is greyed out).

I have read that I need to get a new API and enable billing on the Goolge Cloud Platform.
The service will stay free because you will get a monthly free credit of $200.

I followed the steps and entered my new Goolge Api Key but nothing has changed?

Please advise.

Hello @smart_x,

The contact us page is using this api key:


Please double check if this is the new api key that you just added. If this is the old one, then you page is loading the cached version. Since you are using SiteGround, could you please clear the site cache in the supercacher in your hosting panel? The SuperCacher is developed by SiteGround exclusively for their customers. It increases the number of hits a site can handle and boosts the website loading speed. The SuperCacher includes 4 different caching options for maximum optimization of your websites. You can access the tool by clicking on the SuperCacher icon in your cPanel.

For more information about this, please check it out here:

Hope this helps.

Hello X Team,

In the Cpanel of Siteground I flushed my cache.
Still no luck.

The api key I double checked and it is the same. Btw is it in a secure note in your post?

When I created the api key on Goolge Cloud Platform they asked me to create a credential for it.

I choose:
Application restrictions >> HTTP referrers (websites)

Accept requests from these HTTP referrers (websites) (Optional)
Use asterisks for wildcards. If you leave this blank, requests will be accepted from any referrer. Be sure to add referrers before using this key in production.

There I put now:*

Hi X Team,

I rechecked my site and it is working now.

I think it is because I added the asterisks for wildcards.

First I put:

Now I put :*

Glad you were able to figure it out :slight_smile:

Hello X Team,

See secure not

Hi There @smart_x

I have moved that into a secure note.

Also that API key is only be available for your site URL assigned to it. So someone else cannot make use of it.


Hi X team,

Thank you for moving it.

It shouldn’t be out in the open I assume you guys now that.

You are most welcome. :slight_smile:

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