Google Fonts in X Theme/ Pro GRDPR Europe

Hello, a slightly different topic that is very important for us in Europe right now.

For a few weeks now, some lawyers seem to have started to warn small and medium-sized companies that have a website that is not compliant with the GDPR. This is specifically about websites that use Google Fonts and are not stored locally but are retrieved from the Google server.

We have accordingly checked our pages and have discovered (Google Examine function) that some Google Fonts are stored locally, others again (not frontend) are retrieved from the Google server. Therefore my request to you - do you have an overview of how the Google Fonts are exactly integrated in the x Theme/Pro - and is there a way to ensure that Google Fonts are only used locally on the website server?

Thanks a lot!

Hey @bigdreams,

Thanks for reaching out!

It seems that you have the same problem from this thread, please check the answer for resolution.

Hope that helps.

I have followed this instruction, but still have fonts that are loading.

i also downloaded the fonts I use and uploaded them on the server and then included them in css global.

In the meantime I have, even if unwillingly, found a plugin that really stops the connection to the Google server at the beginning. But after a little surfing something shows up again under the “embed” section.

It is interestingly about the font “Roboto” which I do not use at all in the frontend!!

Bildschirmfoto 2022-08-31 um 18.27.56

Hello @bigdreams,

Are you able to resolve your issue using the plugin? By the way, the “Roboto” Google Font is actually loaded by the Slider Revolution plugin which you are currently using. It is best that you check out the plugin’s documentation:

Best Regards.

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