Google Custom Search Engine

My default “search” option for X-theme doesn’t work. So I want to try Google Custom Search Engine.
I have added plugin, set Search Engine ID… But how to make it appear on a pages?


Hi Pavlo,

It sounds like you might be having an issue with a third party plugin or script. Regretfully, we cannot provide support for third party plugins or scripts as our support policy in the sidebar states due to the fact that there is simply no way to account for all of the potential variables at play when using another developer’s plugin or script. Because of this, any questions you have regarding setup, integration, or troubleshooting any piece of functionality that is not native to X will need to be directed to the original developer.

Thank you for your understanding.

Hi Paul,
No doubts you can’t help with all 3th party plugins… But, on my point of view, plugins from Google is something that you should take in consideration. At list try to understand a problem. In a first please, I start to look on it because your native functionality not working. I’m also Ok if you can advise on your own search option. Should I open separate topic on this?
Thank you in advance.

Hi Pavlo,

From where did you get the Google Search Engine ID ? If you have copied it from the JavaScript code, that’s not the correct ID. You need to get it from the Public URL under Details section and it should render your custom search.


Hello Mr. Darshana,
Thank you for answering. I did as you showed:

It generated new page:

But, how to replace standard search button with this new engine?


Hello There,

You will need to disable the standard search button in X > Theme Options > Header > Search. Once disabled, please go to Appearance > Menus and edit your primary menu. You will have to add a custom search menu and link it to the page. If you need to display an icon, insert this <i class="x-icon-search" data-x-icon="&#xf002;" aria-hidden="true"></i> in the menu label.

Hope this helps.

Hello Nel,
Looks like it is going to help. I did first part:

but not sure how to insert in the menu label. could you please give hint on this.
Thank you in advance.

Hey Pavlo,

Instead of adding “Search” as the navigation label, you insert this instead:

<i class="x-icon-search" data-x-icon="&#xf002;" aria-hidden="true"></i>

Please let us know if this works out for you.

Hello Nel,

It helped to change text label to icon, thanks, looks better:)

Is this possible?

Hi Pavlo,

What you will need is to customize this plugin to work in Ajax, doing such a thing will require further plugin customization which is -unfortunately- beyond our support scope. You might need to hire someone to achieve this for you.

Thanks for understanding.

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