Global Top Bar and Footer Disappeared

So I’m not sure what happened to my Global top bar and footer. Yesterday it was on my site and today they both were missing from my site.

Please help me to bring them back.

I checked my \framework\views\global folder and my _topbar.php file was there with my global code.


// =============================================================================
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Includes topbar output.
// =============================================================================


<?php if ( x_get_option( 'x_topbar_display' ) == '1' ) : ?>
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[cs_gb id=6700]' ); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

The same goes for my footer

Why did this happen?

Please advise. Thanks

I figured out what happened, the file path with the top bar and footer changed. So, I change the file path and was able to restore the Global header and footer.

I have a new problem now. There is a weird space below the footer that shouldn’t be there. Any idea why that is there? It wan’t there before.

This image shows the space between the footer I want to remove.

Hello @quituck,

I inspect and I can confirm the space below. The issue is coming from an error on your PHP code. Please visit all your customization on the child theme. There is an extra php closing tag ?>.
See this:

Hope this helps.

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