Get specific field value from ACF array


We’ve made some custom fields with ACF and were wondering how we might get a specific value from a returned array. Example, printable_menu is an ACF link. In a text element, we have {{acf:printable_menu}}, which outputs “Printable Menu: 03.07,, _blank”.

We’re trying to create a button and would love to have something like {{acf:printable_menu:url}} in the URL field of the button, and {{acf:printable_menu:link_text}} in the button text field.

Possibly same with images? I know we can return just the url and put it in an tag, but were hoping to access the caption.

Any help is much appreciated!

Hey @powrider686,

Thanks for reaching out!

To access the file array value, please check these thread.

Hope that helps.

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