Full Width and background images for certain sections

I am wondering how to get images to span the full width of the page and also get it to be int he background of a particular section of the page, such as on the X theme’s promo page. The example below is taken from that page.

Hi Charles,

Thank you for reaching out to us. That is actually a background image of section and by default it spans the full width of a section. To add a background image in Cornerstone, first inspect your section (see screenshot)

Then under Setup check the Advanced checkbox (see screenshot)

Then click on image for Select Type and then select your background image (see screenshot)

Hope this helps!


Thank you for that information, I have one more question. I wanted to activate Cornerstone, however every time I went to update it, it gave off an error when trying. I didn’t screenshot it like an idiot. I moved directly to trying to reinstall, however I can’t find it in the plugins finder in WP. I also went through your fourms and found that some people needed to re-install the theme. So I removed Pro, re-downloaded and installed, then re-activated. I don’t see Cornerstone in my plugins any more. Do you have a link to download and I can upload it myself, or any other troubleshooting I can try?

And one more question. I was able to add things without cornerstone being activated, maybe I am just missing it. However things are limited to the section that I am editing.

Hi There,

If you’re using the Pro theme, you don’t have to activate the Cornerstone plugin anymore. It has been built in Pro theme.

To make the background image span to full width, please change the page template to: Blank - No Container | Header, Footer, if you also want to remove the header and footer, change the page template to Blank - No Container | No Header, No Footer

After that remove all the padding & margin of your section:

Hope it helps :slight_smile:

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