Full page with image in one column


I have created a container with two columns.
I would like one column to be ‘full width’ so that the image element extends to the edge of the screen width, whilst the other column stays within the global container like in the image attached.

I can get an image to fill one half of the page (in width) within its column by turning off the ‘global container’ option within the row, but this means the text box in the other column no longer fits within the global container.

I have tried adding different padding/margins values at different breakpoint so this text box aligns with everything else on the page, but I just cant get it to sign up on all device sizes and was wondering if there was a correct or easy way of achieving this.

Many thanks.

Hey Nate,

What you’re trying to achieve looks like our Breakout Images tutorial. Try following the steps in the video tutorial here: https://youtu.be/isS8o6qVOpM

Hope that helps.

This is EXACTLY what I was after!

Thanks so much for the link. I am already subscribed but I’ll start working my way through the tutorials.

Thanks again.

Hi Nate,

Glad that we are able to help you.


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