Footer widget colums

Hi, see and specifically the footer. I cannot hide or “undisplay” of the 4th column there. I only need three. I want those three columns to have the same. 33.3% column widths.

In addition, I cannot figure out how to format the menu placement in this footer1 widget - and remove all the special formatting. I just want to see the menu in a white font - not all the lines and shadows.


Hello Patricia,

Thanks for writing in! Please go to Cornerstone > Theme Options > Footers and select the number of Columns you want to display for the Widget Areas:

Best Regards.

That worked. Thanks.

What about this part of post:

"In addition, I cannot figure out how to format the menu placement in this footer1 widget - and remove all the special formatting. I just want to see the menu in a white font - not all the lines and shadows.


Can you point me in the right direction?

Hi Patricia,

To format the Footer Menu you required custom CSS code, which is beyond the scope of Theme Support. I would suggest you hire a developer who can assist you with the customization or you can avail of our newly launched service called One, where we answer the questions beyond normal theme support.


No thanks. I was a web developer years ago, so I can do it. I am old however and rusty, so just looking for a pointer or two. I have had the x theme for a few years on other sites

Hey Patricia,

Hope you’re able to achieve your desired layout.

Thank you.