Footer Google Map w custom JSON style doesn't "load JS correctly"


The map Google map in my footer works only when embedded and without styles. My dark custom styled map just shows for 1 second upon refresh of the page. Error message says it doesn’t load JavaScript correctly.

I did set up billing for the Google Map API.

How do I fix the JavaScript?

GOOGLE URL KEY IS NORMALLY HERE &center=59.31248616680002,18.082660816450794&zoom=17&format=png&maptype=roadmap&style=element:geometry%7Ccolor:0x171717&style=element:labels.icon%7Cvisibility:off&style=element:labels.text.fill%7Ccolor:0x757575&style=element:labels.text.stroke%7Ccolor:0x212121&style=feature:administrative%7Celement:geometry%7Ccolor:0x757575&


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Hi @Lobsterass,

The clue to fixed Map error is usually on the console tab.
The error is this:
Google Maps JavaScript API error: ApiNotActivatedMapError
Please check this URL for the info:
Here’s the suggestion to fixed it.
The Maps JavaScript API is not activated on your API project. You may need to enable the Maps JavaScript API under APIs in the Google Cloud Platform Console.

Hope this helps.

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Thank you!

Works now. :slight_smile:

Sorry for being dumb, but Google API:s are not a front-end designers best fiend these days. Complicated and not very user friendly.


I feel you! Glad this is now sorted out.


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