Footer disappears upon being saved

We use Pro 6.4.16 on various Wordpress multisite networks. Everything works as expected for super-admins, but when regular administrators edit a footer, it deletes its entire content as it saves.

We can’t seem to find what’s the exact reason for it, the only pattern we have as of right now, it’s that the issue happens on all subsites using a full domain (like and it doesn’t happen on subsite that don’t have a full domain yet (like

(we will attach a private note with our dev site where we were able to reproduce the issue, hopefull you know / will know what it’s from)

Hello @magikweb,

Thanks for writing in!

Please see the secure note.


Thank you for the follow-up!
We disabled the related plugin, we don’t think it’s relevant to test this bug (it was trying to force 2FA on you).

Hey @magikweb,

Do you have a copy of the footer? I cannot revert to the old one. All I see is a blank canvas. I already created a custom footer while using the admin account. When switching to the super admin admin account, the changes stay. If I can revert back to the previous state of the custom footer, I will try to find out what are the elements in it. It could be a setting or broken element that may have caused it.

Thank you in advance.

Hello Rue,
It’s the other way around from our testing.
If you create the footer as a super-admin, then relog as an admin to edit it, it’ll break it (the changes won’t stay).

My developer says there should be a “Footer” in the “Templates” that allows you to revert it back.
Unless you edited the Template itself, then it’s gone (no worries), but I’m sure that your own footer would work to test it out.

Super-admin = OK, can create/edit
Admin editing super-admin’s footer = Not OK

Let us know if you reproduced it successfully and thank you for your patience!
If you can’t reproduce it, I’ll talk with our dev to make a video to avoid wasting your time.

Hi @magikweb,

I have created a Footer from Super Admin and changed it through the Admin user, and the changes are reflected properly. It seems that the issue you are trying to point out is not replicable at our end. Can you please ask your developer to make a video that explains the steps to replicate the issue?


Hello @tristup,
Here’s a video by our dev reproducing the issue just to make sure we’re talking about the same thing.

This issue occurred again today, but with a “Component” we used as a header.
Is the video working on your end? (it doesn’t load on mine and could be adblock-related)

Let us know if it was successfully reproduced

Edit: Another customer deleted their footer, so I went and personally reproduced the issue myself so I could try to see what’s going on to no avail (I saved “Footer by Rue”). We can pay for your time if someone can help us with this issue.

I have isolated the issue to links in text elements!

This will save properly:

This will empty the footer:

If that gives anyone an idea, let me know. I’ll keep digging and updating this thread (in case someone else has the same issue).

The non-child theme Pro is enabled.
All plugins (without exceptions) are disabled.

Apologies for the multi-posting, we found the solution after a lot of digging.
It turns out that the way the “unfiltered_html” capability works in WP Multisite works differently than regular Wordpress installs. The way we gave admins that capability back stopped working at some point and we didn’t notice since most of the edits were made by super-admins.

Here’s the code that gave it back successfully, if someone has a better way let us know. Thank you Rue for looking into it and help us eliminate possibilities.

function mwmu_set_capabilities() {
    // Get the role object.
    $administrator = get_role( 'administrator' );
    if ( ! is_null( $administrator ) ) {
        // Important capability to let admins use Cornerstone
        $administrator->add_cap( 'unfiltered_html' );
add_action( 'init', 'mwmu_set_capabilities' );

Hey Magik,

We’re glad that you’re able to figure it out and your snippet will also help other users who will face the same issue.


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