Flip card whole picture

how can i display the whole image in the flip card? the upper image is created with flip card and the lower image is for illustration how the whole image would be.

I would also like to use different image sizes in the flip card, is this possible?

thank you very much for your help

Hi Lea,

Thank you for writing in, did you added that Image as the Card background? If so, then you need to set the background-size to contain

But please keep in mind though that a contain background-image size does not cover the entire card (depends on your image size)

CSS reference background-size

Hope it helps,

thanks a lot that worked. how is it now possible to change the cart size? i want different sizes like in the picture. is this possible? or unfortunately not? or can you recommend a flip card plugin, which works with cornerstore and allows me to use the flip cards like on my picture.

thanks a lot for your help

Hi Lea,

You can create any type of layout using the new Grid element, for example I’ve created a following Grid Layout based on your picture (see screenshot)

Now you can add the Card element in each cell so you’ll have a layout similar to your picture:

To learn more about the Grid element please checkout the video tutorials on our Youtube channel here https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWPh_GoP7hYXHrOv3sYUNQ5mVeApTnkO2. or find more details here https://theme.co/changelog/#theme-pro-3-1-0-theme-x-7-1-0-cornerstone-4-1-0

Hope this helps!

thanks for the feedback. the grid layout can only be used in the pro version, is that right? can i just switch to pro, or can i lose the data and settings of my previous homepage?

Hi Lea,

Yes, it’s only available on Pro and you can upgrade anytime. You shouldn’t lose anything unless you’re coming from a very old version. But I checked your site and it’s updated, there should be no problem with the upgrade.


thanks i have now switched to pro and where can i find the grid element now? in the elements it only shows me the classic block grid element.

Hello Lea,

Are you using the latest version Pro 3.1.2? You should be able to find the Grid element in the Elements tab.

For more information about our new Grid layout, please check this out:

Hope this helps.

thanks for the reply, i just converted to pro yesterday, so i need to have the latest version. Unfortunately, the Elements tab only shows me the classic block grid. What could be the reason?

Hi Lea,

Our apologies for missing the first step. Please click on the cog icon in the builder then go to Preferences > Content Layout Element then select Grid.

Once you do that, when you add a new section, you will get the option to add grids in the sections.

Hope this helps.

excuse me, but unfortunately at Preferences > Content Layout Element I can only select Row or Classic Row. I need the Grid function very urgently, and otherwise I leave it.

Thank you very much for your help.

Hi Lea,

Would you mind double checking if you actually have the latest version of Pro? If it is in version 3.1.2, please provide us with the admin access to your site in a Secure Note so that we can check your setup:

I double checked, but I send you the access, so you can check it

Hey Lea,

Thank you for the credentials. I checked your setup and you’ve an old version of Pro i.e 3.0.4 however the latest version of Pro is v3.1.2 see https://theme.co/changelog/ but your site isn’t showing the available updates. Maybe there is an issue with your WordPress installation, please try the following plugin to clear WordPress transients: https://wordpress.org/plugins/transients-manager/ and see if this makes the updates work again. You can also manually update the theme, please see the Manual Updates section here https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/setup-updating-your-themes-and-plugins/62

Let us know how this goes!

i made a mistake updating manually and now i can’t access my page anymore. Can you help me?

Hi Lea,

Unfortunately, the scope of our support does not include updating the sites of clients.

However, I can provide you with some steps on what to do.

#1 Please login through FTP.
#2 Go to wp-content/themes download the current pro directory that is in there which will serve as your back up.
#3 Once all files are downloaded, delete the pro directory.
#4 Go to your dashboard and download the latest version of Pro.
#5 Unzip the file.
#6 Upload the unzip file to the themes directory through FTP.

Hope this helps.

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