Feature Request : Add more breakpoints in Global Theme Options (Pro and CS)

Hi Themeco Team

i’m coming today with an idea for a simple new breakpoint feature, to solve a common UX Problem on wide screen

Actually, it seems to be difficult to optimize size, width and amount of “cards-type” or tiles-type elements, for inline fullwidth purposes on wide-screens -over the last breakpoint-

It can be the case on Grid, article tiles or other card-type elements displayed inline in fullwidth by amounts.

I mean, we can spend or lost lots of time trying to found how to write correctly a CSS media-queries-based rule to fix it manually


maybe you guys can give CS and Pro users ability to add new Breakpoints references in global parameters of theme, to manage UI more accurately on wide screens use-cases ?

it can help, between other cases, to display more accurately tiles inline withe better proportions in fullwidth, between “1200 - 1500” and “1500 and over” for instance.

Very useful for 25, 27 inch screens and over, don’t you think ?

PS: i know we can adjust the 5 breakpoints, but i’am asking about adding another with the “+” button

Here’s a screenshot to illustrate

Hello @Florian_FR,

Thanks for writing to us.

I went ahead and added your request to our feature request list. It might be taken into account so I would request you, please stay tuned for succeeding theme updates.

Thanks for understanding

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