Feature idea - native slider autoplay interval duration + color - as dynamic values from looper JSON content

The ability to have the autoplay duration in native sliders be able to take dynamic content from the looper JSON would be nice. Ie, some slides need to stay longer on the screen than other so that the viewer can read more or less overlay content / text (for example).

…And related to overall slider functionality… when using the Slide Element with an ‘advanced’ background, to present an image as the slide background, it’s common to have the image determined with dynamic content from a looper field (eg. {{dc:looper:field key=“image”}}). so, It would also be great if the when using the adv. background “Color” (rather than Image) on the Upper layer (for example) we could also take dynamic content from the looper… so that the color / shading could be set per slide… eg. add another field for the dynamic content when Adv.Background “Color” is selected and it takes somthing like {{dc:looper:field key=“color”}} and the looper provides a value of ‘rgba(1,2,3,0.5)’ or ‘#123456’ for example.


I can write the feature request for changing the interval timing per slide.

For the second one, do you mean you need to change the opacity of a color dynamically? You can already pass in a looper field to the advanced background.

Have a great day.


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