Failure to load resource in Console errors

Hi there,
I have a few sites that I have this issue on, but one in particular I will address. On my site I get three Failure to Load Resource errors.

[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () (, line 0)

Attached is a screenshot of the three issues. I have spoken with my host about it but it isn’t a server issue. They say the files don’t exist in X.

How can I fix this?

Thanks for the help!

Hi @powrider686,

Thank you for writing in, but I don’t see those errors on my end.

Did you resolve it already? In any case, please Purge All your Cloudflare caching

Purging cached resources from Cloudflare

Hope it helps,

Hey Friech,
I have not figured it out, but I believe it is only an issue in Safari based on your not seeing it. I also checked in Chrome and don’t see it, but I do still see it in Safari. Might it be an issue with how X is rendered in Safari?

I also see it on all sites I have running on x in Safari now that I look around.

It is happening on and See attached.

Thanks for the help!

Hey @powrider686,

The missing files in Safari are the Source Maps. You can ignore this error as this does not have any impact in your site.

A source map provides a way of mapping code within a compressed file back to it’s original position in a source file. This means that – with the help of a bit of software – you can easily debug your applications even after your assets have been optimized. The Chrome and Firefox developer tools both ship with built-in support for source maps.

**Note: Support for source maps is enabled by default in Firefox’s developer tools. You may need to enable support manually in Chrome. To do this, launch the Chrome dev tools and open the Settings pane (cog in the bottom right corner). In the General tab make sure that Enable JS source maps and Enable CSS source maps are both ticked.**

To know more about Source maps and how does it works, please check this out:

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