Expand thumbnail to full page image

Hi, What is the best way to blow up a thumbnail image so that it displays a different larger/full image and greys out the original page behind it. Is there a way to control the opacity of that too? Is there a way to add text to the large image too?

Sounds like you are talking about a lightbox. There’s several plugins you can install that have the functionality you want. As far as im aware there isnt any built in features in x to do that. Someone correct me if im wrong.

You guys are great! Thank you for the quick response. Yes, a Lightbox is what I’m looking for. A plugin would work fine. Is there any that recommend?

Im not exactly sure if its included in your package of x theme. I know its included in x pro, theres a plugin called Envira Gallery. Its pretty amazing and has a built in lightbox, also you can use it in the theme builder as an element.

Hey Robert,

Thanks for writing in!

Yes, the plugin Envira gallery is a bundled plugin available to you. You can get it in X > Validation > Extensions section. You can check out this kowledge base article about the plugin here:

Thanks for chiming in! We really appreciate it.

Best regards guys!

So i have 6 separate thumbnails. Id like their full size image to open when you click on each of them.

So do i create 6 separate galleries? If so, how do i make it actually work? Do i use the gallery shortcodes, and if so where does that shortcode go? I looked for an Envira element but didnt see one.

Hi @rleon72,

Yes, if you don’t want all the images to be on one lightbox (gallery), you need to create a gallery for each image.

Please make sure your Envira Gallery extension is active. And navigate to Pro > Settings > Permissions > Classic Elements and make sure the Classic Envira Gallery is enable.

Hope it helps,

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