Hello, for some reason the Editor/Preview section in Essential grid is not showing all of my posts, so I am unable to edit the meta data for each item. Could you please advise if there might be something wrong, or is there a setting I have missed somewhere? Thank you!
Hi @newbasecynth,
Please, double check that you have updated to the latest version supported which is Essential Grid 2.3.2.
In case you are using an updated version, try testing for a plugin conflict. You can do this by deactivating all third party plugins, and seeing if the problem remains. If it’s fixed, you’ll know a plugin caused the problem, and you can narrow down which one by reactivating them one at a time.
If the issue persists, please provide us with the admin access to your site in a Secure Note:
Thank you, I was able to get it to work after setting the post Preview number several times, saving and refreshing. Not sure why this didn’t work when I first tried, but it seems to be good now so no problem.
One more question - on this page I also have an Essential Grid with items opening in a simple post lightbox. However, I’ve noticed that on a mobile device, when I view the lightbox, it is able to be shifted around as I go down the page (sort of like the width isn’t set right and I can move the whole box left/right). The issue does not happen if I turn the mobile sideways to landscape mode, it will fit properly as I scroll on the screen. Could you please advise if there is a fix for this?
Hello @newbasecynth,
Thanks for writing in!
To resolve your lightbox issue, please add the following CSS code in the X > Theme Options > Global CSS (http://prntscr.com/evui3r)
.esgbox-stage .esgbox-slide:before{
height: 0 !important;
We would love to know if this has worked for you. Thank you.
Hello, unfortunately no, the problem still persists in mobile view. Anything else I can try? Thanks.
Hey @newbasecynth,
Please try adding this code in the Global CSS as well:
.esgbox-stage .esgbox-slide .eg-lightbox-post-content {
margin: 30px auto !important;
Hope this helps.
This has fixed the shifting issue, but now if I scroll to the bottom of the screen the lightbox will freeze (on mobile still).
Hello @newbasecynth,
I cannot duplicate the issue anymore. On mobile, when I open the lightbox and then scrolled it, the lightbox close already. Can you share the specific device where you experience the issue?
I’m using an iPhone 7S. It’s weird, if I scroll right to the bottom the lightbox will sort of bounce a little then freeze. Perhaps something is wrong with the way it is rendering?
Hi @newbasecynth,
Tried it on iPhone 7 but not getting that effect or extra dimension that allows scrolling left and right. May I know which iOS version? If it’s lower version then please try updating it.
iOS is updated, 12.3.1. It seems that the freezing/bounce problem won’t happen if I am ‘gentle’ with the scrolling, only if I overscroll (swipe up several times in succession even after reaching bottom of the page). The left/right was resolved by adding the code suggested by your team above so there’s no issue there now.
Glad it worked for you
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