Essential Grid doesn't appear properly and the control setting are smutched 2

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Essential Grid doesn't appear properly and the control setting are smutched

In you last reply to the topic Essential Grid doesn't appear properly and the control setting are smutched
you mentioned that you changed the default image and it worked. However, we are not using a default image as we have a unique image for each grid item. Also, our grid was customized to display unique text and this is not how it looks like now (there is no image, there are new buttons and the skin looks completely different). Furthermore, the screen shot you provided is not the resources grid that we refereed you to. Please check this link for the grid:
Thank you

Hello @jamesnoronha,

Thanks for updating in! I have logged in to your site and check your grid. You have this settings.

You will need to edit the grid Skin that you are using because at the moment, this is what I am seeing. This is also what is being used on the display of your grid.

Please edit your grid or the grid skin so that you can display the grid items and its elements correctly. If you are not yet familiar with the grid skin editor, please check this out:

Best Regards.

We haven’t edited the skins or the grids and they suddenly changed to this look. We are experiencing this issue across different multisite and we wouldn’t want to recreate the custom skin in every site.
Is there a way to find out what happened? and what caused this sudden change to many of our grids?

Thank you

Hey @jamesnoronha,

The custom skin might not be compatible with the latest Essential Grid version anymore. That is the only reason the skin can break.

With that said, you need to revert to the working state of your site using a backup. Your web host might be able to help you with this.

If you don’t have a backup, regretfully, you will need to recreate the custom skin.

Thank you for understanding.

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