Essential grid animation


I’ve tried searching on themepunch and here, but cannot find solution.

I’m trying to achieve a layer (the Title with underline) animation, always shown, like on scroll reveal…
I know how to always show layer without animation, but when I add “show without hover” it disables the animation…

Is it possible?

Hi @vojtechzikmund,

Thank you for writing in, but I am not entirely certain what animation you’re looking for, would you mind providing us a sample site that shows the animation?

Also, please provide us login credentials in a secure note just in case we need to take a closer look.


All explained in secure note

Hi @vojtechzikmund,

Sorry, but the sample site is throwing 403 Forbidden error. Do you want the underline to only show on hover? If so, please set the Text Decoration option on the Idle state to none, and set the Text Decoration to underline on hover state.

Make sure to tick the box next to hover.


I don’t want it to show on hover… I want the Title to show up (animate) on scroll.

Hello @vojtechzikmund,

Animating the titles to show up as you scroll the page is not possible. You can only have a hover or make the title appear as you hover over the item. Please play around with the styles and the animation tab.

Hope this helps.

I quite don’t believe that it’s not possible as essential grid works like layers so why it couldn’t?
But I get that you have evaluated this problem as out of the scope of your support.

Can I add custom Class to the essential grid title? I will try to work this out with custom css or js…

Hello @vojtechzikmund,

Yes, the title and some other elements in the grid item works a lot like the layers. Still, you are limited to what is in the grid skin editor layer settings. You cannot add a custom class or id. Just use the designated custom class.

Please keep in mind that what you have in mind is already a customization of the skin and it is beyond the scope of our support already. Our support is only limit to setting the site setup, bug fixes and minor cosmetic changes.

Thank you for your understanding.

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