Error with 'The Grid' plugin active

Hi there,

We have a site ( where we are unable to update the News page. When clicking on ‘Edit with Cornerstone’ we see an error (see attached). We have identified that the Grid plugin is causing the issue (through deactivating all plugins then activating all one-by-one until one is found that’s causing the issue - The Grid).

Can you please help us solve this?

Hey Michael,

Thanks for reaching out!

We are no longer supporting The Grid plugin. If you want us to help you debug the issue, you may subscribe to One.

We recommend all Themeco customers switch to the native Posts Elements available in all Cornerstone builders. More advanced layouts can be achieved using the Grid Element available in Pro .

Thank you.

I just paid for 6 months of support and all I get is “we don’t support this”? If it’s not supported anymore - why offer extended support?

Hi Michael,

Sorry for the confusion. The Grid plugin is not a bundled plugin anymore and is beyond the scope of Theme Support. If you still need support, I would suggest you contact the Plugin Author, or you can avail of our newly launched service called One, where we answer questions beyond normal theme support.

NOTE: We have stopped distributing The Grid plugin as a bundled plugin as of October 2021; please go through the following release note.
