Envira Shortcode doesn't work with Modal

Hello, i’ve used the Envira Plugin to display a gallerie with a Modal to have a lightbox effect…
Unfortunately the shortcode doesn’t work and there is nothing displayed… And it doesn’t matter how i place the shortcode… Have you an Idea how i can have a lightbox with a pic gallery without leaving the site?

I apreciate your help!
Cheeers, Pascal

Hello @pamadesign,

Thanks for writing to us.

I was not able to find your setup on your page, please share the exact page URL so that we can check it on our end. In case you are using the Envira plugin then you don’t need Modal for the lightbox. Please ensure that you must purge all the cache or temporarily deactivate the cache plugin and recheck it.

Hope it helps

Thx, Problem solved :sweat_smile: :clap:

Hey @pamadesign,

You’re most welcome!

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