Embedding vertical video

What is the most efficient method of embedding a Youtube Shorts vertical video? I’m currently embedding the
Direct Video Link which gives regular video dimensions and I have tried to adjust the viewing size using various methods to crop to vertical video dimensions, although I have never been happy with the result.

Thought I would ask in case there is something obvious I am missing.


Hello Paul,

Thanks for writing in!

Please use the Youtube Shorts Embedded Code instead.

Once you have the embedded code, you can place the code in the Video element just like this:

Kindly let us know how it goes.

Hope this helps.

My problem is that Youtube shorts do not provide Embedded Code. If I use the Direct Video Link, I can embed the non-shorts horizontal video (width=“560” height=“315”), which results in the left and right 3rd of the video as blank.

Any options (including your link) advertise plugins to embed shorts. I am asking if there is a way to embed the Direct Video Link and ‘crop’ it to only show the middle 3rd using Cornerstone. I have nearly achieved this, but I cannot achieve a perfect result.

An example of currently embedded video is at https://guitartheoryandtechniquebook.com/guitar-sequences-melodic-patterns/. The thumbnail is width=“560” height=“315” dimensions as Youtube doesn’t allow specific shorts thumbnails. The thumbnail has the middle 3rd set so that can also be used as a vertical video thumbnail. If you click on a video, it is not the ideal setup.

Hopefully that makes sense!


Hello Paul,

Regretfully we do not have any controls over Youtube videos. The Video element that we have in the builder is only a container that displays the video coming from its source.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thanks, but I should have written my original question more clearly.

I realise that there are no controls over Youtube videos. I am using the direct link for a Youtube Shorts video and I am trying to resize the video element so that it hides the outer 3rds of the ‘regular’ Youtube video so it displays as a Shorts video.

Shorts video: https://youtube.com/shorts/k-wH8RPcsvM
Direct link for the same video: https://youtu.be/k-wH8RPcsvM

I have nearly managed to achieve the look of the Shorts video using various resizing techniques in the code, using divs, etc., but the result is never perfect. This seems quite a basic thing to do, but I always seem to have some sort of odd border in my results, which is especially problematic with responsiveness.

Hey Paul,

Shorts are embeddable. You just need to right-click.


Once you have the embedd code, paste it in the Video Embed box.


After that, adjust the Frame Ratio of the video to a portrait ratio like 2:3. You need to play with the ratio or contact Youtube support to learn the exact ratio the shorts videos use.


Hope that helps.

Right click… that simple! Maybe that is a new thing as I’m sure that wasn’t an option previously. I was using the share links as in regular Youtube videos. The frame sizing also didn’t seem to work when I tried previously, but now it is working perfectly.

Thanks, and sorry for the easy solution that I should have figured out. I had been travelling way too far down an unnecessary rabbit hole.

You are most welcome, Paul.

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