Dynamic Ratin Stars

I would like to display dynamic star ratings in the blog overview. You can also display dynamic titles or dates. Is there a way to display the stars dynamically? If I take the rating without dynamic in, the ratings of the stars are always the same and that makes no sense.

Hello Caglar,

Thanks for writing in!

In the Rating field option for the Rating element, you will have to insert the {{dc:post:meta key="_wc_average_rating"}} dynamic content:

Hope this makes sense.

and where can I give the stars per post rating ? In my case, the stars are now all at 0. In your screenshot, the stars are also rated differently. That’s exactly how I want it

Hello Caglar,

If you are using WooCommerce, there should be a star rating option when someone leaves a product review.

Hope this helps.

it’s not woocomerce i want to show it the stars in a blog posts

Hey Caglar,

Since you want star rating on each of your post items, you will have to install a 3rd party plugin instead;


We don’t want customers to be able to rate the products, but we would like to award the stars of the rating. We are a kind of tester blog

Hi Caglar,

It is not very clear what you are expecting here. If it is not WooCommerce how you are adding the products and rating the products? If it is WooCommerce, do you want to rate the products only by administrator not by the customers? If so, you need customization which is beyond the scope of Theme Support. I would suggest you hire a developer who can assist you in doing the customization or you can avail of our newly launched service called One TOTAL CARE, where we offer small customizations
If that is not the case, please explain a bit more to understand it.


I create normal posts and make videos about products and test them. Now I want to rate these products and publish the test results. So I want to give 0-5 stars for the products I have tested. These stars should be displayed in the overview of the post archives. Do you understand what I mean? There is a rating in cornerstone, isn’t it possible to use it?

Hi Caglar,

You can use the Rating element in this case.


I have now entered this here: {{dc:post:meta key=“_wc_average_rating”}}

Now all stars are set to zero!

Now my question, where can I assign different stars to each post in the post, i.e. per post? E.g. here: In this post I would like to assign the stars and these should then be displayed in the archive layout in the overview of the posts.

Now I have given it a 5 star rating in the article! This should now be displayed in the overview

Is still displayed with zero stars

Hey Uslu,

Here’s what you can do:
1.) Go to Dashboard > Pro > Validation > Extension and install, activate the ACF Pro plugin.
2.) Create an ACF field group where you can add a custom field star_rating.
3.) Edit a post and insert your star rating value.
4.) Edit your layout where you can insert the dynamic content {{dc:post:meta key="star_rating"}}

Hope this makes sense.

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Thank you so much :slight_smile: it worked

You are most welcome, @Uslu.

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