Dynamic Content Style

Is it possible to add styles like number formatting to the dynamic content code? example below.
£{{dc:post:meta key=“price”}}

Hi Tapper65,

Thanks for reaching out.
You can add any additional text or symbol with the Dynamic Content as a text.


I understand its possible to add text in front of the Dynamic Content but my question is about styles.
Can you add styling as you can with css?

Hi again,

Yes this can be done by wrapping your dynamic content in an HTML tag and then assign it a class and then you can style the element using the class name, for example:

<span class="custom-styling">{{dc:post:meta key="price"}}</span>

.custom-styling {
	font-size: 18px;
	color: red;

Another way is that you can assign the element that has dynamic content a class directly and then style it with the class name. Hope this helps!

Ok great I will try that and come back if there is anything else.
Many thanks

We’ll keep the thread open. Let us know if you have more questions.

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