Hi, my drop down menus aren’t working on mobile since the update. On desktop, you can hover over the menu for it to display the drop down links, but on mobile, if you click the down arrows, it takes you to the main link instead of displaying the drop down links. How do I fix this?
I’ve already cleared caches through the WPEngine Dashboard and the styling cache of Theme X itself but that didn’t work
Site URL - https://barbellrehab.com
Home URL - https://barbellrehab.com
WordPress Environment
Version - 5.3.2
Debug is on - No
Language - en_US
Is Multisite - No
Memory Limit - 512M
Web Server Configuration
Software - Apache
PHP Version - 7.3.14-6+ubuntu18.04.1+deb.sury.org+1
MySQL Version - 5.7.28-31-log
PHP Configuration
Post Max Size - 100M
Time Limit - 0s
Max Upload Size - 50M
Active Theme
Name - X – Child Theme
Version - 7.2.0
Folder - //nas/content/live/barbellrehab/wp-content/themes/x-child/
Parent Theme Name - X
Parent Theme Version - 7.2.0
Parent Theme Folder - /nas/content/live/barbellrehab/wp-content/themes/x
Cornerstone Status - Enabled
Cornerstone Version - 4.2.0
Active Plugins
Must-Use Plugins
- WP Engine System 3.2.3
- Force Strong Passwords - WPE Edition 1.6.4
- WP Engine Seamless Login Plugin 1.5.3
- WP Engine Security Auditor 1.0.8
Caching Plugins
- Autoptimize 2.6.2
Other Plugins
- a3 Lazy Load 2.3.1
- ActiveMember360 3.1.4
- Akismet Anti-Spam 4.1.3
- Autoclear Autoptimize Cache 2.0.0
- Cornerstone 4.2.0
- Google Tag Manager for Wordpress 1.11.2
- Insert Headers and Footers 1.4.5
- Post Duplicator 2.20
- Really Simple SSL 3.2.9
- Redirection 4.7
- Related Posts for WordPress 2.0.3
- ShortPixel Image Optimizer 4.16.2
- Smart Slider 3 3.3.27
- Thrive Leads
- Thrive Product Manager 1.2.2
- TinyMCE Advanced 5.3.0
- WooCommerce Stripe Gateway 4.3.2
- WooCommerce 3.9.2
- Yoast SEO 13.1
- WP Mail SMTP 1.8.1
- WP-Sweep 1.1.1
- WPForms Lite
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