following tips and other subjects here and there, i was able to create a query string looking like this :
post_type=post&post_status=publish&orderby=meta_value&meta_value_num=date_de_publication_souhaitee&order=DESC&posts_per_page=20&meta_query[0][key]=statut&meta_query[0][value]={{ url.param({“key”:“statut”}) | default(“publie”) }}&meta_query[0][compare]==&meta_query[1][compare]==&meta_query[2][compare]==&offset={{ (query.current_page-1)*20 }}
To sum it up :
I am building a LOOPER PROVIDER within an ARCHIVE that is retrieving Posts.
I want those posts to be ordered by a meta value (ACF).
Those posts are filtered by a meta value (ACF) displayed within the URL parameters.
Then, i ask for the looper to offset the results with the current pagination (20 results per pages).
The query string is currently doing exactly what i want on the front end of the website. So that’s great. but i can’t load cornerstone anymore, so i am gessing that i did something wrong.
removing the query and putting it back currently allows me to run cornerstone properly within the cornerstone frame, thought i believe i did something wrong.
Can you help me on this matter ?
Thank you