Does my query string need a cleanup?


following tips and other subjects here and there, i was able to create a query string looking like this :

post_type=post&post_status=publish&orderby=meta_value&meta_value_num=date_de_publication_souhaitee&order=DESC&posts_per_page=20&meta_query[0][key]=statut&meta_query[0][value]={{ url.param({“key”:“statut”}) | default(“publie”) }}&meta_query[0][compare]==&meta_query[1][compare]==&meta_query[2][compare]==&offset={{ (query.current_page-1)*20 }}

To sum it up :
I am building a LOOPER PROVIDER within an ARCHIVE that is retrieving Posts.
I want those posts to be ordered by a meta value (ACF).
Those posts are filtered by a meta value (ACF) displayed within the URL parameters.
Then, i ask for the looper to offset the results with the current pagination (20 results per pages).

The query string is currently doing exactly what i want on the front end of the website. So that’s great. but i can’t load cornerstone anymore, so i am gessing that i did something wrong.

Capture d’écran 2024-09-19 à 17.01.02

removing the query and putting it back currently allows me to run cornerstone properly within the cornerstone frame, thought i believe i did something wrong.

Can you help me on this matter ?
Thank you

Hello @Thaelys,

Thanks for writing in! Please be reminded that in a custom archive layout, you do not need a Looper Provider because the archive layout will be using the default WordPress loop. only the Looper Consumer is needed. You can only use a Looper Provider in a normal page or a single layout.

Be also advised that the archive will display post items with the assigned category “Lanoix de Grenoble” in chronological order. If you want to modify the WordPress loop, you will have to modify the query variable. Perhaps this article can help:

Hope this makes sense.

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