Div not shrinking for custom button

Hi folks,

I was following one of your youtube tutorials here:

and everything is working except my div is always 100% width of the column its in and doesnt shrink down to wrap the text thats in it like it does in the video. I am trying to created buttons with paremeters so its easier for a client but i cant have the button stretched like it is. I have disabled all plugins and it still does it so its probably something that I have missed. Would you mind taking a look. I will leave the details in a secure note. Thanks.


Hey Chris,

Thanks for reaching out!

In order for the DIV to wrap only with the text width. You need to enable the flexbox option in your column. See the example below.

Hope that helps.

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Hey @marc_a . That works perfectly thank you. I knew i had missed somthing!

Great! Glad to know that this has been resolved. Let us know if you have more questions.

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