Display User Name Meta Fields Instead of ID's

I’m utilizing Co-Author Plus Plugin to allow me to tag multiple authors on one page, however, when I pull the meta fields, it only pulls the ID’s and I for the life of me cannot figure out how to write the Dynamic Content to display the Usernames.

I understand this is a 3rd party plugin, but my question is related to utilizing Meta Fields to pull through the data I want. I have looked through the forum and the help docs and I cannot find any documentation to help me write that dynamic content better.

Any help is appreciated.

Hi @RookDigital,

Thanks for reaching out.
Here you need to mention the specific meta field that is storing the usernames; it might be multiple meta keys you need to mention in the User Meta dynamic content tag.
I would suggest you contact the plugin author to know the specific user meta key name.

Hope it helps.

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