Display 1 as Yes

Apologies if I just didn’t know what to search for, I didn’t find an answer in the documentation, or if it’s in there I guess I didn’t understand how it applied to my use case!

I have a meta value that is stored as a 1 or a blank. If it is 1, I would like to display “yes” instead of 1. I know it’s possible to achieve this through the use of conditionals, but this particular dynamic info is being displayed as part of a table of data.

i.e. {{dc:post:meta key="_tribe_rsvp_checkedin" }}

So to do it with conditionals i would have to create a div, set it as type figure to not break my layout, put the conditional in that, then create a raw content element to put the table html in and just put the word yes in, then repeat that process for “no”.

If that’s the only way to do it, I’ll do it! But gosh that is a lot of steps, so if there’s a faster way to at least say 1=yes, I’m all ears! Thank you!

Hi @glindacreative,

Thanks for reaching out.
Unfortunately, that is not possible right this moment. But what I can suggest you create a custom Dynamic Content tag and return Yes on 1 by fetching the data from the meta key.
To create a custom dynamic content tag, please go through the following thread.

Hope it helps.


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