Different blog posts on different pages

Hi there,

I browsed the forum and found similar questions and already played around with The Grid.
However, I read (can’t remember in which thread) that you need at least one page with all the complete blog posts (classic blog page). Otherwise there might be some incompatibilities with other plugins.

On my website I have a concert page and a workshop page. Both are events that require the blog layout.
Right now, I don’t like it because the blog page has both categories and looks also a bit different from the style than the workshop page.


How can I have two blog post pages with different categories - one with only concerts, the other with only workshops?


Hey Franziska,

You will need to use The Grid or Essential Grid for that. You don’t have to have a classic or regular blog page in order to create a grid that displays posts from one of your categories. Once you’ve setup a grid, insert its shortcode inside the text editor or if you’re using Cornerstone, use The Grid or the Essential Grid element.

Here’s more details about The Grid

And, here’s for the Essential Grid


Hi there,

Looks like you have deleted your reply, or is there any information of question that we should check?


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