Demo import error

Hey @Valueweb,

Because you said disabling Mod Security causes the error, please re-enable it but this time ask your web host to whitelist the cornerstone-endpoint directory. It’s only your web host that can fix that since they are the ones controlling the server. Our products are working fine on most web hosts so your current web host might not be using or conforming to WordPress standards.

We’ll continue checking once we can log in.


Before I request that of host, it’s probably sensible for me to know/specify what the path to the endpoint is. Could you elaborate please?

Hello @Valueweb,

You can whitelist the URL in the secure note. This is endpoint which would be needed when you check out the Design Cloud and import a demo content.

See the secure note.

Still no luck. Have been able to install a couple of your other demos, but not the one I want.

Hi @Valueweb,

The /wp-admin credentials provided above does not work anymore, please check.

In the meantime, do you have a child theme? Can you try switching to the parent PRO theme? and see if that resolves the issue.

And another thing, let’s try cleaning your demo cache, by appending the &x-clean-demo-content-cache on the URL.




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