Default Product Image is Not Visible in The Grid

I’m using The Grid to display the newest arrival products on my homepage. If I add a featured image it shows up just fine in The Grid. If I don’t have a product image The Grid is not showing the default Woocommerce product image.

This is how it’s displaying on the homepage.

This is the default product image that’s not showing up in the missing thumbnail areas:

Here is the homepage:

How can I get the Grid to display the default Woocommerce product image?

Hi @santosfel5,

Thanks for writing to us.
The default image shown in the WooCommerce is a placeholder image and will show only if the Thumbnail or Featured image is not set to that specific product. Whereas The Grid will show the image only if that set in the Featured image of that product. If you want that to be shown, you can set that in the Default image in the Media tab of the specific, or else please set the default image as featured image.

Hope it helps.

That worked! Thank you.

You’re welcome @santosfel5!
It’s good to know that it has worked for you.

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