Custom javascript for equil height flip cards changes cornerstone preview

Hi there.

i followed this thread to get my flip cards to be equil height:

Here is my code:
$(window).bind(‘ready load resize’, function(){
var max = 0,
mobile = $(window).width();
if ( mobile > 767 ){
$(".staff-section .x-card-inner").each(function(index, el) {
if( $(this).height() > max ){
max = $(this).height();
$(".staff-section .x-card-inner").css(‘min-height’, max);

@media (min-width: 768) and (max-width: 979px) {
.staff-section .x-face-content {
padding: 0 !important;

Attached is my login info so you can see. The effect is on this page:
but it does seam to cause the same loss in formatting in cornerstone on all pages.

Any ideas?

Hi @reform

I’ve updated the code on your website to be like:

function card_fix_height () {

  var max = 0,
      mobile = jQuery(window).width();
  if ( mobile > 767 ){
    jQuery(".staff-section .x-card-inner").each(function(index, el) {
      if( jQuery(this).height() > max ){
          max = jQuery(this).height();
    jQuery(".staff-section .x-card-inner").css('min-height', max);


jQuery(window).resize( card_fix_height ).load( card_fix_height );
jQuery(document).ready ( card_fix_height );

And I can see it’s working fine now.

Brilliant! Thank you so much :slight_smile: Amazing support as always!

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