We are working on a custom headline component. Currently we have the parameters for the tag to be selected as follows:
"tag" : {
"type" : "choose",
"label" : "Tag",
"initial" : "h2",
"options" : [
{ "value" : "h1", "label" : "h1" },
{ "value" : "h2", "label" : "h2" },
{ "value" : "h3", "label" : "h3" },
{ "value" : "h4", "label" : "h4" },
{ "value" : "h5", "label" : "h5" },
{ "value" : "h6", "label" : "h6" },
{ "value" : "p", "label" : "P" }
In our global CSS we are using variables for font-size, spacing, etc. as follows:
:root {
/* line-height */
--lh-header: 1.2;
--lh-paragraph: 1.5;
--lh-button: 1;
--lh-label: 1;
/* letter-spacing */
--ls-header: -0.02em;
--ls-paragraph: 0em;
--ls-button: 0.05em;
--ls-label: 0.05em;
/* text-size */
--ts-80: 0.75rem;
--ts-90: 0.875rem;
--ts-100: 1rem;
--ts-200: 1.25rem;
--ts-300: clamp(1.5rem, 1.3182rem + 0.6061vw, 1.75rem);
--ts-400: clamp(2rem, 1.6364rem + 1.2121vw, 2.5rem);
--ts-500: clamp(2.5rem, 1.9545rem + 1.8182vw, 3.25rem);
--ts-600: clamp(3rem, 2.0909rem + 3.0303vw, 4.25rem);
/* white-space */
--ws-scale: 1.5;
--ws-80: calc(var(--ws-90) / var(--ws-scale));
--ws-90: calc(var(--ws-100) / var(--ws-scale));
--ws-100: calc(var(--ws-scale) / var(--ws-scale) * 1rem );
--ws-200: calc(var(--ws-100) * var(--ws-scale));
--ws-300: calc(var(--ws-200) * var(--ws-scale));
--ws-400: calc(var(--ws-300) * var(--ws-scale));
--ws-500: calc(var(--ws-400) * var(--ws-scale));
--ws-600: calc(var(--ws-500) * var(--ws-scale));
--ws-700: calc(var(--ws-600) * var(--ws-scale));
--ws-800: calc(var(--ws-700) * var(--ws-scale));
--ws-900: calc(var(--ws-800) * var(--ws-scale));
In the component we are adding these variables manually:
We are hoping to have at least the size variable change based on the applied parameter for example:
h1 gets var(–ts-600)
h2 gets var(–ts-500)
h3 gets var(–ts-400) and so on.
We initially thought TWIG would be able to work for us and tried var(--ts-{% include 'cs-template:id-0' %})
and created this template:
But that is not working for us, and probably isn’t right since we don’t really understand the Twig feature yet. So, is there a way to set the font-size variable depending on what Tag
the user selects? We are trying to eliminate creating a different component for each tag, and not letting the user select the size as that will be set globally for each tag.