Custom font not loading on mobile

Hello I’m working on a new website that uses a custom font. Font is not loading on mobile, can you have a look please?
I used a woff file.

Hi @dcheese,

Please replace your fontface code with this

@font-face {
    font-family: 'Questa Grande';
    src: url('');
    src: url('') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('') format('woff2'),
        url('') format('woff'),
        url('') format('truetype'),
        url('') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;

Then in your elements change this css font-family: "Custom Font Family"; with this font-family: "Questa Grande";

Make sure you have uploaded the following files
2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.eot 2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.woff2 2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.woff 2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.eot.ttf 2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.eot.svg

Hope this helps

what I have to put instead of JellykaDeliciousCake ?

Hi @dcheese,

Sorry I missed that. please change it with this


@font-face {
    font-family: 'Questa Grande';
    src: url('');
    src: url('') format('embedded-opentype'),
        url('') format('woff2'),
        url('') format('woff'),
        url('') format('truetype'),
        url('') format('svg');
    font-weight: normal;
    font-style: normal;


Thank you Paul, still have the issue :frowning:

Hi There,

Would you mind providing us with login credentials(by clicking on the Secure Note button at the bottom) so we can take a closer look? To do this, you can make a post with the following info:

  • Link login to your site
  • WordPress Admin username / password


you can find it above, thank you!

Hi @dcheese,

I checked in mobile and it seems to work.

Can you provide us a screenshot on how it looks in your end.


Hey Paul, the one on “Un luogo piacevole e rilassante…” is not the “Questa Grande” custom font. So I see what you can see. Please see on desktop how looks the font…

Hello @dcheese,

Thanks for updating the thread.

I checked the website and on my end custom font seems to be loading and working fine both desktop and mobile. Please see recorded screencast.



Please share a screenshot for us to take a closer look at the issue you are facing on your end.


Hello, the problem appears only on mobile, not on desktop browser… can you try on an iPhone or Android?

Hello @dcheese,

Thanks for updating the thread.

On my Android device it’s working fine. I also connected my phone via USB debugging to inspect the elements and too see the font that was loading, and it’s the same font that’s loading on the desktop.

Here’s a screenshot from my mobile.

Here’s a screenshot of the USB debugging on which I connected my mobile via USB to inspect the page.


Hello, can you see the website from an apple device like an iPhone?

Hi @dcheese,

The screenshot I provided above is from iphone6 plus

If you check on the link below, the font is the same


Hello Paul, the font is the same of the screenshot provided by Prasant, please see it here

I see a Times New Roman on your screenshot… :frowning:

Hi @dcheese,

Sorry, it’s almost the same on first look.
Please make sure you have these complete files.

2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.eot 2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.woff2 2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.woff 2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.ttf 2-questa_grande_regular_31-webfont.svg

I checked and it seems the svg file is missing.

You can convert your font file on the link below.


Paul, the svg is there, but I noticed that the plugin you’ve suggested in another thread “Add From Server” doesn’t import the eot file. Any suggestion?

Hello @dcheese,

When using custom fonts, you normally have this code:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'MyWebFont';
  src: url('webfont.eot'); /* IE9 Compat Modes */
  src: url('webfont.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'), /* IE6-IE8 */
       url('webfont.woff2') format('woff2'), /* Super Modern Browsers */
       url('webfont.woff') format('woff'), /* Pretty Modern Browsers */
       url('webfont.ttf')  format('truetype'), /* Safari, Android, iOS */
       url('webfont.svg#svgFontName') format('svg'); /* Legacy iOS */

.ttf, .woff and .woff2 is needed so that there is a font file fallback when the browser does not support the font file.

Hope this explains it briefly.

Hello, I understood.
The code I have in my css panel is

@font-face {
font-family: 'Questa Grande';
src: url('');
src: url('') format('embedded-opentype'),
    url('') format('woff2'),
    url('') format('woff'),
    url('') format('truetype'),
    url('') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;


but on iPhone or Apple mobile the font is not loading. Please help :ok_woman:t2:

Hello @dcheese,

Yes your @font-face code is correct. But you also have this code:

    font-family:"Custom Font Family";
    src:url("") format('woff');

And this code is what is being used for the “Un luogo piacevole e rilassante…”. I would highly recommend that you update your code into this:

@font-face {
	font-family: 'Questa Grande';
	src: url('');
	src: url('') format('embedded-opentype'),
	    url('') format('woff2'),
	    url('') format('woff'),
	    url('') format('truetype'),
	    url('') format('svg');
	font-weight: normal;
	font-style: normal;

    font-family:"Custom Font Family";
    src: url('');
	src: url('') format('embedded-opentype'),
	    url('') format('woff2'),
	    url('') format('woff'),
	    url('') format('truetype'),
	    url('') format('svg');

Please let us know how it goes.