Custom Font Not Displaying in cornerstone or frontend

Hey team,

I’m building a new site and have two custom fonts to upload. I’ve uploaded the first, but can’t get it to display in cornerstone or on the front end. Can you please have a look and tell me where I’ve gone wrong? I followed the steps in the knowledge doc and did some troubleshooting based on posts in the forum, but it isn’t coming through.

Note the page I am working on is called: Christian Family Toolkit

Here is what the font is supposed to look like -


Hey Ashley,

Thanks for writing in!

The custom font must be assigned in the Headline or Text element “Format” option.

Best Regards.

Thanks Rue Nel! I did know that, but had changed it to a temp font that is similar while I was developing. Sorry for the confusion! I have just changed it back so that you can see. Note I have only changed it on this one headline back to the Mirada font.

Can you please advise of where I’ve gone wrong?

Hey @texaskiwi13,

Please double-check the font assignment in the font manager.

Best Regards.

That’s so weird. That wasn’t what showed when I set it up. It’s working now, but now I’m having the same issue with the second font, Limoncello.

I’ve just set it up and it isn’t displaying correctly. It should look like this -

Note that i’ve set it on the pink text you see in the screenshot that says “love God. love others.”

What’s the issue here?


Okay, so I went and flushed the cache (server side) and then the font-family showed custom::undefined as it did with the Mirada font. So I updated that and now it works. So it seems like there is some sort of issue where you set it to the correct font family, after some time it changes to custom::undefined, and then you can select the correct font family and it will load correctly. You may want to report this to the dev team.

Do we forsee the custom fonts displaying being an issue that end users will experience?

Hello @texaskiwi13,

I could not replicate the custom::undefined issue when I logged in and checked the Font Manager. You may report it when you experience it again.


I just reported it and then I figured out how to fix it and outlined the steps I took to do it. There’s obviously an issue.

When you upload a custom font and set the font-family correctly, the font does update in cornerstone or on the front end.

sometime later when you go back to the font manager it says custom::undefined where you had intially put in the correct font family. In my testing I forced this to happen by flushing the cache. (ie. after I flushed the cache it changed from the correct font family I assigned when I set it up to custom::undefined.)

I was then able to reset the font family from custom::undefined back to the correct font family i set it up with and it worked.

there is some sort of lag or delay. The first time I experienced the issue, I set it up correctly and did not flush the cache, but when you checked it a couple of hours later it said custom::undefined even though I had set it to the correct font family. I replicated this by flushing the cache.

hopefully that makes sense :slight_smile:

We will investigate this.

Thanks Rue Nel! Hopefully I explained it well. If not, let me know if you have questions and I can try to clarify it.

Hey Ashley,

There are similar issues reported connected to the Font Manager and fixes has been made in our unreleased version. Please stay tuned for updates.
