Custom blog posts page


For the blog posts page (so not the single page, but the overview) what file would need to be customized to have a custom page heading (masthead?) … where normally the title “The Blog” is?

For some reason it is not showing anything right now, but I would like to have the category name there and a byline


Hey @quinex,

If you’re using X or the Original Header in Pro and the Integrity Stack, you have the option to change the text of the Blog Header in Theme Options > Integrity.


For your category pages, you can change the Archive Title and Subtitle in the Category Editor page.


If you want to work on the template itself, you’d need to override the _landmark-header.php which resides in themes\pro\framework\legacy\cranium\headers\views\[STACK]. If you’re not yet familiar customizing our theme, you can learn here:

Hope that helps.

Hello, who’s still using X :slight_smile: … we are using Pro

In the blog page (where all posts are shown) there is no page heading… I would like to know what file to edit to be able to do so

So in short what files to move to child theme to edit for Pro theme blog

Hi @quinex,

In that case, you don’t need to edit any templates. You can use Pro header builder and implement your own landmark. Please check this Ethos portfolio page title missing, and this Assign Custom Pro Header to Blog and Portfolio Archive pages only (RESOLVED). The PHP code should be added to child theme’s functions.php.

Then you can simply add a text element to your header that contains [awesome_landmark], then assign that header to your blog page.


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