Custom attribute disappears when not connected

Hey’ !

In cornerstone i add custom attribut in HTML in a text field.
Example :
<img data="1" src=myImg" />

i use the attr data in my custom JS.
All works perfectly when i’m log. But when i’m a guest user this does not work anymore.
When i inspect the code the attribut data is not in the img balise.

Why ?

Hi There,

Thank you for writing in, we’ve seen that issue before where the script runs when a user is logged-in and not when it’s not log-in. This has been fixed on the latest version. Please update to the latest version

Updating Your Themes and Plugins

Or you can also add your HTML to a RAW Content element.


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Thanks a lot <3
Raw Content Element works!

You’re welcome!
We’re glad we were able to help you out.

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