Performed an automatic update of the theme and cornerstone. When trying to access admin, met with the attached message. The front-end of the website has been impacted to the extent of our creative call to actions. The email received from wordpress says the fatal error was caused by the cornerstone plugin.
Hi There,
Thank you for writing in, you updated your Cornerstone to the latest version (5.3.3), but you leave X theme behind (8.1.5). Please update X theme to the latest version (8.3.3).
Updating Your Themes and Plugins
Remember to clear all your caching features (plugin, server-side, CDN, and browser’s cache) after updating so that the code from the latest release is always in use. This will help you to avoid any potential errors.
Let us know how it goes,
Hi @friech - updated x theme to 8.3.3 and cleared caches etc however the issue still isn’t resolved.
The cornerstone plug-in update won’t resume because its ‘triggering a fatal error’. Does it need to be deactivated and reinstalled?
Hello @LibertyLeasing,
I would suggest you follow the below steps while updating to the latest version of the theme.
- Delete the Cornerstone
- Update the X theme to the latest version on automatic updates
- After the X theme is updated, use the link in the dashboard to automatically install the Cornerstone. It will be at the latest version
I would also suggest you troubleshot a few common issues
1.Plugin Conflict
2.Theme Update related issue
3.Child Theme Related issue
4.CSS/JS Customization
If it doesn’t work for you please share your FTP details in the secure note.
Still have major issues here. Deleted cornerstone, the x theme was already updated, went to dashboard and clicked the link to install cornerstone. Was met with a fatal error (please see attached). We really need this fixed asap. Have provided Wordpress URL details in secure note previously. What else do you require?
Our issue is now MUCH worse. Since deleting the cornerstone plug-in and re-installing the entire front end of the website is not working. We’ve had to pause all advertising etc. Please help resolve this issue ASAP. This is really quite urgent.
I believe its affected the front end because after re-installing Cornerstone, we can’t activate it because it causes the ‘fatal error’ (as evidenced in the last screenshot). We’ve now been dealing with this issue for two days - we do require your urgent attention. Thank you
We have resolved this. It was caused by a PHP issue.
Hi, I’m having this issue as well. Can you elaborate on what the PHP issue was?
Hello, @SmithNewmans,
Thanks for writing to us.
Please make sure your theme , plugin , WordPress , and PHP versions are updated as version compatibility pages. I would suggest you troubleshoot with a few of the common issues before we investigate your settings as given in the above post and follow the steps that are been mentioned in the above post.
If it doesn’t work for you please open a separate new thread where you share your details along with login credentials and FTP details in the secure note.
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