Creating a clean site like the examples

What would be the first steps to creating a website like this with X Pro?
I would like the header and body of the site to flow in the way these sites do.

Appreciate your help I’ve been a member for a very long time.

What Stack and CSS and options within X can you provide us, especially as a community. We can’t all afford custom CSS.

Hello Joe,

Thanks for writing in!

I see that you have Pro Theme license. To create similar looking website I would suggest you to use header and footer builder. I suggest you to take a look at the Integrity Stack.

In the website I see sticky navigation bar. Sticky navigation bar can be activated by inspecting the Bar > Setup > Sticky bar and select On.

I also see slider element on the website. For soldier I suggest you to use Revolution Slider that can be installed from Pro > Validation > Revolution Slider. Revolution Slider also has the option to import demo slider from Revolution Slider website. Please take a look at following resources to get started. Rest of the page layout can be designed using Content and footer builder.

To get started with Content, Header and Footer builder, please take a look at following resource.


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