CPT not listed in Pro -> Settings


I created a number of CPTs with PODS and would like to enable Pro/Cornerstone for some of them.

PROBLEM: Only two of my CPTs (see screenshot below) are showing up in the new Pro -> Settings -> Permissions section for me to enable/disable.

QUESTION: Is there something that controls whether a CPT shows up there? How can I get more than these two CPTs to show up?

WordPress Version 4.9.6
Pro Version 2.1.6
PODS Version 2.7.6


Hello Tim,

Thanks for writing in! Please make sure that your CPT are public. Private CPT might not be displayed. Would you mind providing us access to your site so that we can take a closer look? Please create secure note and post the credentials. To know more about secure note, please check this out: https://theme.co/apex/forum/t/how-to-get-support/288



I already had Public on, but it looks like Exclude from Search also needs to be off (I had it on).

That seems like a strange requirement. Iā€™d like to use Edit with Pro regardless of which values are set on these options. Can you fix this in an upcoming release?


Hello Tim,

I will forward this to our developers so that they will be aware of your issue.

Thanks for understanding.

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