Correct selectors for enabling infinite scroll?


I have had a good search in the forum and came across many different solutions for implementing infinite scroll on my site. Such as:

I am still not having much luck integrating this requirement for my site!

Could someone please tell me if these selectors are the right ones to be using?

And if anyone has a simple engineering solution to this problem I would be very grateful for the help.


Hello Jon,

Thanks for writing in!

If you have the masonry style, then the post container will be .x-iso-container
And then the post selector should be just .hentry
The pagination selector is correct which is .x-pagination
The next link should be .prev-next

Just to manage your expectations, this isn’t specifically a theme issue, but rather, your customisation of it. So whilst I have happily provided you with some guidance above on how to get it working, you might find this links helpful so please check out the following:

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