Cornerstone Templates File Structure

Alright, I’m trying to get a bit fancy on backend stuff – something I’ll admit that I’m not too experienced with.

The overall goal is to create a WordPress image that gets as far into the repetitive work that I do for every single site, so that I can immediately start on the custom stuff (e.g. specific plugins, page templates, and pre-filling out elements such as logo.png, etc.).

To this end I’m curious about the structure of templates for Pro/Cornerstone: are page, section, or element templates implemented purely as database objects, or when I save them are they dropped somewhere in the actual server’s file structure? I’m guessing the former, and that when importing a template-file.tco file that it’s a JSON or XML-esque format, is this correct?

Hey @Rule72,

It’s purely in the database. No file is generated when you save a template. The tco folder is not related to the templates.

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Sweet, I think I might just do that; making Docker files to support this flow sure does generate a lot of questions. :sweat_smile:

Thanks for the info.

You’re most welcome.

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