Cornerstone section on start page change for no reason!

On one of my customer sites, a section on the home page changes without explanation! The site is made with Cornerstone and nothing is used except Cornerstone basic functions.
But after a short time the layout in the frontend is destroyed. When editing the page, however, there is no sign of this error!

Page in frontend:

screenshot_ 2024-05-14 um 13.49.05

Page in Cornerstone backend:

screenshot_ 2024-05-14 um 13.48.59

After saving again, the page is OK in the frontend, but after some time the layout is destroyed again.

Hello @Regnalf,

Thanks for writing to us.

I checked your given site URL it seems that it is working fine on my end. It might be the issue of browser cache issue I would suggest you please purge all the cache and recheck it.


This is once again typical of the demonstration effect. Before, it constantly changed the layout even when the cache was deactivated. I’ll keep an eye on it and let you know if the error is visible again.

Sure thing, @Regnalf.
Hit us up when something is off on the website again.

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